Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Još jedno vreme koje deluje strašno, a nije. Continuous znači da se sastoji od nekog oblika glagola TO BE i glavnog glagola na koji dodajemo -ING. Past Perfect znači da nam treba baš to vreme glagola to be – HAD BEEN.

had been  +  glagol-ing

Tom had been sleeping for hours before I decided to wake him up. (Tom je satima spavao, pre nego što sam odlučila da ga probudim.)
I had been studying Spanish for years before I moved to Spain. (Učila sam španski jezik godinama pre nego što sam se odselila u Španiju.)
Upitni oblik – inverzijom
Inverziju vrše subjekat i had.
Had Tom been sleeping for hours before you decided to wake him up?
Had you been studying Spanish for years before you moved to Spain?
Odrični oblik – had + not = hadn’t
Tom hadn’t been sleeping for hours….
I hadn’t been studying Spanish for years…
1. Sećate se da se Past Perfect koristi za radnju koja se dogodila pre neke druge prošle radnje? E, razlika između tog vremena i ovog novog je samo u tome da ukoliko je ta radnja (koja se dogodila pre neke druge prošle radnje) trajala neko vreme, koristimo Present Perfect Continuous
Pogledajte suštinsku razliku:
I had left the party before he arrived. (Otišla sam sa žurke pre nego što je on stigao.)
I had been waiting for him for two hours before I left the party. (Čekala sam ga dva sata pre nego što sam otišla sa žurke.)
Znači, u prvoj rečenici imamo dve trenutne radnje. Ne odlaziš sa žurke danima, nego ustaneš i odeš. Prvo sam otišla, pa je on stigao, i nismo se ni videli.
U drugoj rečenici imamo jednu trajnu radnju, pre one trenutne. Čekanje je trajalo dva sata, a onda sam ustala i otišla. Opet se nismo videli.
2. Koristimo ga i kada govorimo o uzroku i posledici u prošlosti (ovo je slično jednoj od upotreba Present Perfect Continuous-a, ali se tada odnosilo na posledicu koja se opaža u sadašnjosti, a sada na onu u prošlosti). U takvoj rečenici koristimo reč BECAUSE.
Mary failed the exam because she hadn’t been studying enough. (Meri je pala na ispitu zato što nije dovoljno učila.)
To što je pala na ispitu je posledica. Uzrok se desio pre toga – nije dovoljno učila, a učenje je trajna radnja. Ne možeš da učneš.
Sam was tired because he had been watching films all night. (Sem je bio umoran zato što je gledao filmove čitave noći.)
Kao što vidite, i Past Perfect Continuous Tense se kombinuje sa Past Simple Tense-om, zato što moramo da naglasimo da se dogodio pre nege druge prošle radnje. Da li ćete odabrati običan Past Perfect ili Past Perfect Continuous, zavisi samo od toga da li je radnja trajala.

Past Perfect Continuous ili Past Simple (nije online!):

Change the verb into the correct form:
1. They  (chat) for over 2 hours.
2. I  (wait) there for ages.
3. Brianna  (sit) there for 20 minutes before the doctor  (call) her name.
4. You  (work) there for several years before you  (quit) your job.
5. They  (jog) for a while before they (get) tired.
6. I  (wait) for the bus for 10 minutes when it  (arrive).
7. She  (want) to rest a bit because she (clean) the whole day.
8. They  (decide) to break up because they  (fight) for a long time.
9. Alex  (play) golf for many years before he  (retire).
10. Susan  (be) hungry because she (fast) the whole day.
11. Peter  (drink) too much, so he (have) to run to the bathroom a lot.
12. Anna  (fail) the exam because she (skip) classes.
13. I  (work) on my book for a year when I  (publish) it.
14. You  (pass) the test because you (study) very well.
15. We  (buy) the house after we  (save) for many years.

One Response so far.

  1. Ja mislim da je sve tacno 🙂

    1. They had been chating(chat) for over 2 hours.
    2. I had been waiting(wait) there for ages.
    3. Brianna had been sitting(sit) there for 20 minutes before the doctor called(call) her name.
    4. You had been working(work) there for several years before you quited(quit) your job.
    5. They had been jogging(jog) for a while before they got(get) tired.
    6. I had been waiting(wait) for the bus for 10 minutes when it arrived(arrive).
    7. She wanted (want) to rest a bit because she had been cleaning(clean) the whole day.
    8. They decided(decide) to break up because they had been fighting(fight) for a long time.
    9. Alex had been playing(play) golf for many years before he retired(retire).
    10. Susan was(be) hungry because she had been fasting(fast) the whole day.
    11. Peter had been drinking(drink) too much, so he had(have) to run to the bathroom a lot.
    12. Anna failed(fail) the exam because she had been skipping(skip) classes.
    13. I had been working(work) on my book for a year when I published(publish) it.
    14. You passed(pass) the test because you had been studying(study) very well.
    15. We bought (buy) the house after we had been saving(save) for many years.

    Jos nesto bih vas zamolio.
    Ako vam nije tesko da uradite i posebnu lekciju o mesovitim uslovnim recenicama (mixed conditionals).
    Inace, svaka cast, samo nastavite…

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